joi, 28 mai 2009


  • Tourism: Many areas accommodation in rural tourism, the hostel building.
  • Environment: Office of Development Microregională Nirajului, Friends Club Nirajului.
  • Sports and recreation: gym, 3 sports, bowling hall and public park in the village.
  • Religious: Rank reformed reformed 5 parishes, 2 parishes Roman - Catholic, 3 parish churches, parish Unitarian, Religious Congregation, Jehovah's Witnesses and, day Adventist Church has a 7

4 comentarii:

  1. Super...spor la treaba in continuare :)

  2. frumoase locuri oameni de gasca...NICE!!!

  3. Is there something interesting to do in the surrounding area? Like hiking or something? I googled your place and it seems as there it might be an opportunity for stuff like that.

  4. Beata,
    don't forget to include a subject we have made in class as part of your blogging project.
    From now on you can use this Internet area for other projects, too.
